5 Reasons Why Administrative Power Is Important

Every company needs at least one good administrative assistant. Yet the administration is often looked down upon. Here are five reasons why an administrative assistant is so important to a company. 

Theories of Administration

One of the contemporary management theories is the “Contingency Theory”, which specifies that when managers make a decision they have to take into account all the key factors. The “Systems Theory”, considers the organization as an entity that has inputs, processes, products, and results that are related to each other. Like a machine, if a part is removed, such as the hard disk, the system will not work. This theory holds that companies evolve like biological systems: the more complex a company is transformed, the more structure and energy it will need to maintain stability.

  1. The rock

A good administrative assistant is the basis of a company. He or she ensures that daily tasks are handled in an accurate and structured way. If something goes wrong, it can have far-reaching consequences. The administrative assistant is the rock on which a company is built.

  1. The guardian angel

In the administration department of a company, all documents and data that are important to the company are collected, managed and stored. The administrative staff puts all data on the computer and neatly stores all documents so that you can find them quickly. Back office employees are certainly the guardian angels of the company.

  1. The Treasury Keeper

The administrative employee often also deals with invoicing. An administrative-accounting employee is responsible for the preparation, checking and booking of purchase and sales invoices and accounts payable administration. He or she knows from whom the company still receives money and to whom it still has to pay money. The administrative assistant is the treasury keeper of the company.

  1. The support and support

Administrative employees are real centipedes. The added value of an administrative employee is in supporting others. A good administrative employee takes work off your hands. A management assistant, in particular, is indispensable for managers in a company.

  1. The business card

The administration often has to do with communication with the outside world. Commercial-administrative employees are responsible for processing the purchasing and sales administration and come into contact with suppliers and customers daily. Your administrative assistant is the ‘calling card’ of the company. This applies even more to the receptionist. Nowadays there are a number of administrative skills and administration courses were available online. 

By Jacklin J  – Contributor   |   21/09/2019