Dog loving franchise opportunity - Bob's Bites Franchise
- Price£300
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Dog loving franchise opportunity - full time or part-time: Bob's Bites Franchise. Are you a dog lover looking to run a part-time or full-time business, want to choose your hours and be your own boss with only a minimal investment? If so, then “Bob” (our Jack Russell) has a great opportunity with his healthy and natural dog treats - Bob’s Bites and Bob’s Mini Bites.
When Bob developed Pancreatitis at the age of 12, he needed a low-fat diet. After spending hours trawling through treats to find low-fat products, we came away amazed at how fattening most were. We love our pets and thought that we could do better for them. The end result – our range of low fat and delicious treats to keep your loved pet healthy.
All our treats are made from 100% natural quality ingredients. Bob's Bites are premium, handmade in Grimsby treats made from wild-caught cod and haddock whilst Bob's Mini Bites offer a low-cost and healthy alternative for treat & reward.
We are based in Hampshire, but you can choose your territory on a first-come, first-serve basis, such as; markets, shops, shows, direct (local or national) or online. We provide all you need, including a fully branded Gazebo and associated Point of Sale marketing tools, full support and training and online marketing to promote you. You also get any ongoing online sales you generate, whether through your own website or affiliated with us.
We only require ab initial £300 investment, which includes £300 of your choice of product line (at wholesale cost) to get you going. You then buy what you need, when you need it at a wholesale price with no minimum order.
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